Woman Meetings
Since Pakistan came into being, women in Pakistan have been put un-privileged for human right i.e. economic, social, civil, religious and political. They are being deprived of not only from the right to get education, but also the right to decide matters relating to her marriages and divorce. Often abuses are compounded especially to poor Christian girls and women are trafficked and subject to forced marriage, forced prostitution or exploitative work situations such as delimited labor. These scarcities are manifestations of discrimination against Christian women and girls in Pakistan. To enhance the knowledge of cruelties of society among young Christian women and girls, Poor and rich, EGM arranged the women meetings / ministry. In these meetings women are learning about human rights, how to defend themselves, Bible reading, sermons and how to pray for them and for their families. Many spirit filled evangelists till now came and taught our women.
Youth Seminars
Youth is the part of Christian community where many ministries are not paying much attention. As a result, Youth is disappearing from churches. But for EGM they are a real & genuine gift and asset. From the platform of EGM the young are working in various fields. They are becoming a brainwave for the generation next. We as a ministry organize Youth Rallies, Cricket Tournaments, Bible Quiz and other interesting programs to keep the young full of zeal & zest. They are being provided some junctures to learn the Bible from different means. Bible study on
regular basis is our main tool to bring them back into the Churches. Evangelistic Gospel Ministries (EGM), always seeks occasion to put youth in them so that they could learn some high-quality things according to the Biblical norms & principles. Our youth ministry is flourishing & young boys & girls are learning many useful values according to the Bible.
Leadership Seminar
Unity Obedience and love are the three basic keys to open the door of heaven. Unfortunately these three elements are missing in the Churches and among leadership/pastors. Rather than love, peace, unities our leaders are promoting the envy, abhorrence, viciousness. Leadership seems busy in leg pulling and in some other unwanted acts. EGM is aiming to evangelize the whole world but in Pakistan we are wasting our times in this way. We have a strong and good Pastoral Network across Pakistan. We conduct companionship meetings on interdenominational base, every month in different parts of Pakistan. In these fellowships we pray for one anotheru2019s needs and for a faithful leadership. God has blessed us all because Evangelistic Gospel Ministries provides the free bicycles; motor cycles, Evangelism Kits and different evangelical resources to our leadership for the expansion of the Gospel. We as a ministry must take care take care of the needs Pastoral Leadership.
Evangelical Crusades
Evangelical Crusades & Seminars and Conferences are the paraphernalia for throng Evangelism. We as a ministry donu2019t want to miss any occasion to share the Good News of the Bible with our fellow Christians. Evangelistic Gospel Ministries (EGM) organizes conventions, crusades, seminars and conferences in different parts of the Pakistan inclusive of Lahore and encourage hundreds of people to attend these programs. In these programs believers come and after listening to Word of God and allow Jesus Christ their personal Savior. We train and furnish native leaders of Pakistan, through leadership Conferences, training camps, and teaching materials such as books, audio tapes etc. We also established a nation-wide Bible College Network. In this chain many young men and women are studying to learn about how they could work in the field of God. We are working as facilitators for translation, production and free distribution of the faith-based books, Bibles, Gospel literature & audio/video and CD/DVDu2019s.